Long overdue blog!

Well it's been awhile since I wrote, well one of the reason was I'm so hooked up at work causing me to stress out a lot .... Coming to this of stressed out, I was at the doctors that day and she said to me, "Marcus for your age Owh my, Owh my you're blood pressure seems quite high". Well one of the reason is work and my health, YES!!! I said it, ever since I joined this company it's non stop flu or cough or sore throat, It's like I'm been cursed !!! 
So coming back to work life, yea it's been going on for a while now, that we the normal average staff have been pushed around alots ( that's what you get when you just start to join the Workforce, hehehehe bully je ) but not me! I'm the type that will definitely bantai balik ( in proper adequate manner of course) as I was saying they blamed me and my colleague for something that isn't our fault which my manager took full responsibility for it cause it was his fault but NO!! The management decides to support my manager and push the blame on us (kulies). I was so mad! I came back to my desk and sedap je my manager come to me and ask how was it !!! With my blackest face I replied to him that it was his mistake and we got the blame for no reason! I told him to go and make it right ! As I know it will effect my performances. From that day on I'm so cautious that I actually write an official email and CC and BCC to my colleagues and my board of managers. A company I thought I could grow in but instead I have lost all my hopes and dreams in it !!! Time to move along !!! 

Any one hiring ??? Sales or marketing or Customer relation based ?? 


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