Busy Busy Busy

Well last week Friday was my 8th month together with my partner.

But guess what I totally forgotten about it till late at night... That was because I checked my phone on for the time and I saw the date, I was like OMG!!!! I never forget my monthsary for the past 7 months and I can forget my 8th month. Well, he wasn't upset or anything but I felt bad cause I'm always the 1st to wish him from the 1st month till today.

I guess work is killing both of us and we do not have much time in hand to plan or think of the little petty stuff in life. But hey! We are going on a vaccay soon! More snip snaps of pictures to come. We will be flying off this Wednesday hehehehehehe..... Finally a well deserved break after so long.

Well we are just gonna enjoy ourselves and not think of work, enjoy and relax with the food around us and not forgetting alittle bit of alcohol into the system to get us running.

By the way!!!!

Selamat Hari Raya,

Maaf Zahir & Batin! to all my muslim friends!


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