Lost of Friends

How's Everyone been?

So recently I got a text from a close friend of mine, not to gather us but only to inform us that our school friend has left us for good.

I was rather sad to hear that news in the morning when you wake up. I was down because the last time I saw him was back in our school days. We were just 17! And I have met him after that. 

The reason why many of us did not know was his parents actually wanted to keep it to families only.
His FB was closed down , basically no memories of him on the internet was left. As his parents wish was to erase all memories of him so that they may have no memories left for them to sober. 

Well all I have now are memories left in my head of him, i hope you are having a wonderful time now up there... do look after us! And you can now smile from all pains and suffering.

I miss you my dear friend!

Farewell till we meet again.



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