It's May People!

It's already May?

And I really don't even feel it yet.
Time really flies when you are enjoying every single moment of time.

So what I have achieved so far till this date?

Well I got a new job! Amen to that!
I'm loving my partner still...
Loving my fitness level
And did you know I took up the challenge to join body combat class? I'm loving it!!!! Thanks to my partner....

What to achieve in the remaining months of 2016?
Achieve my desired body.
Plan many more staycations with my partner.
Save up and also control my spending so that I can finally rent a place with my partner. Better yet purchase a home(if it's possible.)
Await for my bangkok trip with my partner.
More outdoor sports maybe?

Other then that please be nice to me!!!
When Can I grow?


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